Monday, February 25, 2019

Farmers' Market


Corey avenue Sunday morning market is an adventure. Yesterday, Bob drove me there -- traffic in St. Pete Beach is crazy busy this year and I, a nervous driver, find the thought of it intimidating.

The usual vendors were at the market but I wasn't alone so I didn't walk around the way I usually do. Instead. I hit the main seafood vendor and the fruit/vegetable market. We bought a pound of salmon (tonight's dinner), shrimp, potatoes, green beans, oranges, apples, a lemon and a lime, all for $33.

When we got home, I looked up how to boil, peel and devein shrimp. The first time I did this several decades ago, the shrimp were tough and tasteless, so I never tried again. I learned how to do the job online and didn't overcook the shrimp.

The shrimp were delicious. We had a nice appetizer before dinner and will have the same tonight. I think the shrimp would be easier to handle raw, so next time I'll try shelling and deveining before boiling.

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About Me

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The first blog was a simple travel journal written during an Alaskan cruise in 2008. I document all of our trips, and refer to my posts fairly frequently, especially when we're planning a return visit to a destination. I enjoy recording events in both words and pictures -- blogging is one more way of staying in touch with family and friends in this wonderful, connected world. I've been retired since April of 2013, and there's no shortage of things to do or activities to enjoy. I enjoy writing about everything ... and nothing.